The Business and Action Plan for Creatives Stuck in the Idea Phase.
Okay, I’ve been a little MIA (not the singer - missing in action), but for good reasons! I’ve been working with my business coach to create a resource to help creatives like you (and like myself to be honest). I’m talking about the creators, influencers, and business-minded people who spend considerable time researching, planning, and hoping to get everything perfectly lined up before launching. Perfection never comes, and we realize years later that we were in our own way the entire time.
I’m talking about the creatives stuck in the idea phase because of mindset blockages, but we keep calling it “preparation” (I’m definitely talking about myself here).
Time isn’t waiting for us to be perfectly prepared.
If I could go back in time, I would have sped up my “preparation” phase and started my content creation and business journey three years sooner. The truth is, I learned so much more after I began my business than I did researching or planning for it. All I needed back in 2018 was a simpler approach to business launch, a simple guide to get my butt out of the planning phase and into the execution phase. And that’s what we’ve created for you.
Use The Creative’s One Page Business Plan to get out of the ideation phase and execute your personal and business goals. We created a free version (The Creative’s Business and Action Plan) and a paid version (The Creative’s One Page Business Plan). The difference is that the paid version is more in depth. The paid version has an official page for business planning, which includes the key elements of your business and can be used for networking and discussing your business to potential partners or investors. There are also more pages for you to think deeply about your business vision, and more pages for executing your goals. We recommend you download both versions for a more comprehensive business planning experience.
The Creative’s One Page Business Plan is filled with the same principles and practices that allowed me to start Morse Creatives in 2021. I had a mindset shift once I started my business; I realized my fear wasn’t based on my lack of preparation or my (irrational) need for perfection - it was my fear of being successful. I had never succeeded in something I created on my own before.
I didn’t fear that I would fail at it - because I previously put myself through college and managed several projects professionally - I was afraid I would create a successful business, which would change me. Success was unknown then, so I was scared of the unknown. Crazy right?
The Creative’s Business and Action Plan isn’t a mindset guide, but if you must, use it to change your mindset. Then, use the Growth Plan to start implementing habits and actions that will lead to success in your personal and business life.
Feel free to let me know if you have any questions or need support with your launch.
I’m cheering you on from Portland.
- Asa